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Tel:  0411-502 8769/085398645102


Jalan Tamangapa Raya 3 Pesona Prima Griya Blok K no. 37 Makassar Indonesia 90352


From Points West:

On jalan Urip Sumoharjo turn left onto jalan A.P Pettarani and turn left onto jl Pengayoman then turn left to jalan Toddopuli Raya Timur go straight this street  and then turn right on jalan Borong raya and then turn righ onto Jln. Antang Raya to Tamangapa Raya 3 Pesona Prima Griya the MEPS location on the corner of Blok K no. 37 Makassar


From Points North:

On jalan Tun Abdul Raazk/Hertasning turn left onto jalan Tamangapa Utara jembatan 3 atau Abdul Kadir Gowa and go strigh along Tamangapa Raya and then come to the "T" junction of Tamanga and then turn left onto Tamanga raya  3 then turn left to Konplex Pesona Prima Griya the MEPS location on the corner ofBlok K No. 37 Mkassar

From Point South:

On jalan Urip Sumoharjo near National Electric Plan (PLTU) Panaikang turn left onto jalan  Jln. Antang Raya to Tamangapa Raya 3 Pesona Prima Griya the MEPS location on the corner of Blok K no. 37 Makassar


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